– Digital Currency Strategist for The New Economy Coin
In a really detailed way – I’ve read hundreds of crypto whitepapers. These tend to be technical documents written by senior blockchain coders all averaging over 25 pages. These whitepapers can be quite technical in nature but I was so motivated to understand the potential that I persevered.
What was motivating me so strongly…
Simply put – my love for my son David.
I feel such a strong desire to support him to help create a more nourishing environment for him as he grows and expands in this world.
In other words…
I could see there was the possibility of a solution and I needed to better understand the technology in order to better understand what that solution looked like.
And so that was it…
Step by step I had to be the one translating the tech-speak I found in these whitepapers into words and sentences and paragraphs that were more layman’s understanding. To me, it was like learning a new complicated language.
As one quick example…
Inevitably once you do understand – it only helps you see the innovation and foresight of The New Economy Coin.
Why would I do this? Why take the learning so deep though – when all we really need to know is that it works and experience the features and benefits.
One could argue that it’s a waste of time.
I’ve learned to become a bit of an FBI agent, looking for clues in hidden places. I’ve seen how this is often where you find gold. And by gold, I mean a deeper understanding that can lead to mastery. It’s very difficult to have an advantage in our world today but there’s a point where your depth of understanding results in being able to make unusual connections.
And unusual connections can be where unusual value is found and can be offered.
I like to refer to this as an 11 out of 10. The extra 10% beyond what most others understand – where synergy of thoughts and ideas can synthesize into something new with unusual value.
It can be a time-consuming process and, in this case, it sure was but in the same way there was great knowledge and understanding gained.
I really do understand blockchain technology.
I really do get how it’s not actually well understood.
I also understand the power of helping others understand it.
As a natural born teacher I love to see someone “get it” – it’s a great victory in my eyes…. Helping to expand one’s mind and understanding.
I have often now – spoken to crypto experts and “stopped them in their tracks” – when they believe they know until I’m able to help the make an unusual connection.
The vast majority of the whitepapers I read had some relevance to digital currency although some were purely to get the base understanding of blockchain including how algorithms and smart contracts work.
This is my education…
So let’s say there’s two types of education there…
1) Blockchain to be used for digital currency.
2) Blockchain to be used for more traditional Crypto.
– With blockchain to be used for digital currency the conversation could become quite focused on the speed of transaction and the cost of transaction.
There always seemed to be a compromise. I never saw any digital currency speak of having both no cost transactions at a quick speed and yet The New Economy Coin does.
On the contrary the whitepapers would focus on how well they did one piece or the other (transaction speed or transaction cost) and explain why it was the best option. (albeit with compromise one way or another.
I even had one crypto expert, who was building a platform to help others create their own digital currency say there’s no way The New Economy Coin can have free transactions every single day all the while being able to handle nearly 2000 transactions per second.
He actually told me this was impossible.
He was adamant.
Fortunately The New Economy Coin and him shared the same blockchain lawyer.
When he made this adamant comment, I suggested he ask the lawyer. This lawyer had helped The New Economy Coin get their patents so he knew the power of The New Economy Coin.
He was absolutely gobsmacked to get confirmation that The New Economy Coin somehow had free transactions, abundant smart contracts, and fast speed.
– With blockchain to be used for more traditional Crypto…
The coders seemed to take great pride in how complicated it was to produce the coding and tech they had created. It seemed to me that this is the prize you’re after when you’re a coder – to use your mind and ingenuity to build something complicated that’s not been built before.
Indeed, this is a great achievement, but it’s not answering the question…
What does the person using this technology actually want to help bring value to their life? This may sound obvious, but in my experience, it wasn’t a given. And with The New Economy Coin I’ve repeatedly heard how easy it is for people to use the The New Economy Coin wallet. This is especially true with those that have used other wallets and experienced how “techy” they can be when they don’t really need to be at all.
Again this seems to confirm how the world of coders and where they get fulfillment from can clash with the value wanted by those using the technology.
We are at an unprecedented time in our history. Change is upon us.
I’m so glad I took the time I did to understand blockchain as deeply as I did.
It helps me to know we truly do have solutions.
I like to say…
“We can do better now!”
What I mean by that is this…
Change comes with tension and discomfort. If we’re going to experience discomfort as a result of needing to adjust – why not make it really worth it – and integrate something into our lives that is even better that what we’re used.
I believe this is the case with The New Economy Coin.
Money is such an important part of all of our lives. It would seem our definition of money is changing. Likewise, how we spend money and our choice of currency is also changing.
– Countries are moving away from the US dollar.
– Despite its volatility, some are suggesting Bitcoin is the answer.
– Governments are exploring their own CBDC (Central Bank Digital currency)
It would seem there’s a move away from the more traditional sense of currency and money.
So change is part of this time in history – and fortunately for us all there’s a choice in currency that truly gives us more than we may have ever seen.
The combination of features offered by The New Economy Coin – just truly is special.